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We run 100% by your generosity.

Over the last 15 years, we have been fundraising to support daily needs and operations for Christian Life Orphanage. We have also focused on building projects and developing the facilities and the land these boys call home.


We are looking for people to commit to covering each boy’s expenses for a year. This will include food, clothing, school fees, and other basic amenities for a single boy. This is a simple but incredibly impactful way to support the work and increase the impact on their lives.

 The cost: $45 per month

Building Projects and Maintenance.

Over the past several years, we have seen the completion of several foundational projects on the orphanage land. After purchasing the land outside of the city of Mwanza, we completed the boys’ dormitory, a courtyard with a cooking shelter and washrooms. We also completed a perimeter fence and have dug a well.

We are working towards several different building projects following the completion of the dormitory on the new land. We are also working diligently to maintain our current projects that have been completed.


If you want to support a specific project, please send us an email!

Contact us.

Asker Lutheran Church
RR1 Site 20 Box 13
Ponoka, Alberta, Canada
T4J 1R1